

Friday, May 6, 2016

Workout For Men

Broad shoulders are one of the most masculine traits that a man could ever possibly have, and almost all men want a set of broad shoulders that demand respect.However some men are just born with narrow shoulders, and some men naturally have larger shoulders, still all men can build more wider shoulders.There’s no excuses, if you raise your testosterone levels naturally and add in a proper training program, your shoulders will have no other options than to grow stronger, wider, and bigger.Big wide shoulders are also the culprit of the classic V shape body. The body that all women secretly admire.

                           How Testosterone affects the width of your shoulders ??
Testosterone has a lot to do with the shoulder width, as your shoulders will broaden during the    Puberty by the actions of testosterone, and low levels of it during puberty will often lead to narrow   Shoulders in the adulthood.Your shoulder muscles are filled with androgen receptors,that take in testosterone molecules to activate the protein synthesis and growth inside the muscle.That’s the reason why high testosterone levels will tremendously help you to build those broad shoulders, as there’s no other  muscle so dense in androgen receptors than the shoulder muscles.That’s why the bodybuilders  sing steroids will Usually grow a freakishly huge upper body, as there’s huge amounts of  androgen receptors to take up all the injected testosterone.

Exercises to Widen your Shoulders
Besides testosterone playing a huge role in the building process of wide shoulders, exercising is also important, in fact it’s even more important than high testosterone levels to have a solid workout routine that supports the growth of your ever so broadening shoulders.

Now there’s Three main muscles in the shoulders called: anterior deltoid (the front part of your shoulders), medial deltoid (the middle part of your shoulders), and posterior deltoid (the back part of your shoulders).The biggest mistake that most of the guys make when building broad shoulders is that they work out with way too small weights, and with way too high rep ranges along with the idiocy of using only isolation exercises (the ones that isolate the muscle, meaning that you’re not using multiple muscles to produce the movement).

Just like on any muscle, you need to use high volume with low repetitions to make your shoulders grow bigger, broader, wider, and stronger.Once your shoulders become stronger you can add more weight which will again make your shoulders bigger, wider, broader, and stronger. Get the point?

I already have a set of freakishly wide shoulders, so that’s why I’m not personally focusing on shoulders too much when I’m working out, but this doesn’t mean that I don’t know how to workout to get a nice set of broad shoulders that support the classic V body shape.So let’s take a look at some of the most powerful exercises to get big broad shoulders faster than ever.
  • Military Press
This is a classic compound movement for shoulders, and it effectively targets your anterior, medial, and posterior deltoids to create wide popping delts that will look good from any angle.The reason why this old classic beats the shit out of every single machine or isolation exercise is that it just plain works like nothing else. So for now on the military press should be the core of your shoulder workout.Military press can be done either standing up or seated, with a pair of dumbbells or with a bar.Here’s an instructional video on how to do my favorite form of military press, the seated military press with dumbbells, from Scott Herman

  • Side Lateral Dumbbell Raise

The side lateral dumbbell raise is an exercise that focuses on your medial deltoid, which is most often the part of your delts that is underdeveloped when compared to posterior deltoid or anterior deltoid.
This one is nowhere near to as powerful movement for building strength as the military press is, but it’s essential to assure that your medial deltoid won’t lag behind the anterior and posterior ones.
Also these side laterals are awesome for creating some instant visual benefits for your shoulders.
Here’s how to do the side lateral dumbbell raise, again shown to you by Scott Herman.

  • The Arnold Press
The Arnold press is very much similar to the military press, but it’s specially tailored by Arnold Schwarzenegger to hit the anterior deltoid really hard.The Arnold press and its effects will show on your mirror pretty quickly, and here’s how to do it. Notice the palms facing in at the start.

  •  Rear Lateral Dumbbell raises

This one will hit the posterior deltoid harder than the others, and it can be performed either seated or standing.The rear lateral dumbbell raise will create a nice visual impact from the behind of your shoulders, and these are very important for creating the classic V shape with wide shoulders.
Below is an instructional video on how to do the rear lateral dumbbell raises, this is the standing variation so do remember that there’s also other possible variations of this exercise.

Fortunately, there’s no need to ever take steroids.

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